Practically, the universe is expanding. Going back in time, the universe contracts until we reach the point of origin where the entire universe was compressed into a space smaller than a proton. That was the beginning, then suddenly for some reason, the components of the universe began to expand, which is the moment of the observed universe's birth, where time and space began to appear after everything was merged together into a highly compressed zero point of mass, energy, and charge. But what is the reason that pushed the components of the universe to expand and come out of the zero point and continue to expand to this huge extent? Simply because there are two possibilities, the first being the absolute regularity and extreme compression, and the second possibility is the state of scattering and chaos. Since the possibility of chaotic order is always greater, the universe began to expand automatically and move from the highly regular zero state to the most likely state. However, this does not prevent the possibility of regular order states from existing, but to a lesser extent, which resulted in the formation of other mass and energy accumulations and the appearance of stars. But once again, because the possibility of chaos is higher, gradually all forms of energy turn into heat, which is the expression of increased chaos or entropy. In the end, stars die and collapse onto themselves under certain conditions, some of which turn into black holes, which are almost zero states where the mass is highly compressed and organized in a small space, and at the center of each galaxy, there is a huge black hole around which the galaxy is located in some way. This black hole swallows and feeds on nearby materials, so it is expected that every central black hole of its galaxy will swallow all black holes to become a universe consisting of a whirlpool of black holes rotating around a large black hole that swallows all black holes, and thus the arrow of time has reversed its direction, and the universe will end up at a new starting point and what has happened will be repeated, and the arrow of time will be launched again in the positive direction that we currently know. Amidst these events, some less probable organized structures of atoms are born to form organic molecules that evolve to show life, but considering the small probability of this possibility, the appearance of living beings in the universe is very rare, and due to the natural tendency to transform into the most likely state, these living systems quickly collapse and die, turning their components from a state of order to a state
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