This is a possible lesson plan for grade 12 physics of semiconductors:
1. Introduction: Review the concepts of conductors,
insulators and semiconductors from class 11. Explain how semiconductors are
used in various electronic devices such as diodes, transistors, LEDs, solar
cells, etc. Show some examples of these devices and their applications.
2. Band theory of solids: Explain how the energy levels of
electrons in solids form bands and gaps. Define the terms valence band,
conduction band and forbidden gap. Explain how the band structure determines
the electrical properties of solids.
3. Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors: Explain how pure
semiconductors have very low conductivity at room temperature due to the small
number of free electrons and holes. Explain how doping can increase the
conductivity by creating impurity levels in the band gap. Define n-type and
p-type semiconductors and their charge carriers.
4. PN junction: Explain how a PN junction is formed by
joining a p-type and an n-type semiconductor. Explain how a depletion region is
created due to diffusion and drift of charge carriers across the junction.
Define barrier potential and its dependence on temperature and doping
5. PN junction diode: Explain how a PN junction diode can
act as a one-way valve for electric current. Explain how forward and reverse
biasing affect the current-voltage characteristics of a diode. Discuss the
applications of diodes as rectifiers, clippers, clampers, etc.
6. Zener diode: Explain how a Zener diode can operate in
reverse breakdown mode without damage. Define Zener voltage and Zener current.
Discuss the applications of Zener diodes as voltage regulators and reference
7. Optoelectronic devices: Explain how some semiconductors
can emit light when electric current passes through them (LEDs) or generate
electric current when light falls on them (photodiodes and solar cells).
Discuss the working principle, advantages and disadvantages of these devices.
8. Transistors: Explain how a transistor is a three-terminal
device made of two PN junctions. Define emitter, base and collector regions and
their functions. Explain how a transistor can act as a current amplifier or a
switch depending on the biasing conditions. Discuss the input and output
characteristics of a transistor in common emitter configuration.
9. Conclusion: Summarize the main points of the lesson and
review the learning objectives. Give some questions or problems for practice or
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