Driven by internal biological factors and external social pressures, you develop a desire to reach a stable state. As a result of the thinking style based on imagining patterns that you have seen before, since the human mind can mostly only imagine things that resemble patterns that it has already known. For example, if you think of an airplane, something with wings must come to mind. Although there are other vehicles that can be thought of that do not resemble the traditional shape of a winged airplane. But that requires someone who thinks outside the box. And since the most likely is that you are a prisoner of the box of traditional patterns that have been engraved in your memory, you resort to making the biggest losing deal, which is marriage. Where you spend a lot of money and waste a lot of your time to complete that deal. In which you bring a strange creature that disturbs your private environment and drains your resources to live as a parasite on you. Just as a tapeworm parasitizes a human. It sucks his food. And here is the false stability. It is nothing more than reaching a state of weakness and confusion that leads you to surrender.
Reinforced illusions
The illusion of preservation:
Parents imagine that their children will automatically represent a natural extension of them. This contradicts the truth because children become independent entities from their parents from the moment they are born. They genetically have only half of your characteristics, some of which may be recessive. Then they will be exposed to educational experiences that are different from what you were exposed to. And the mother will play a major role in their social upbringing, so in the end the children will not represent any real extension of you, but on the contrary, they may be the most vehement opponents of you.
:The illusion of support:
Parents imagine that their children will be a factor in helping them in times of weakness, and this also contradicts the truth. Children view their parents as just a source of funding for their aspirations, and they will find justifications for themselves and for those who blame them for not supporting their parents by saying that the pressures of life prevent them.
The illusion of respect :
Conclusion: Marriage is a losing deal by all standards
The solution: A call to think
Perhaps the solution lies in various artificial intelligence products
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